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Jekyll Quick Start Guide

Eugene Low Eugene Low Follow Apr 27, 2020 · 4 mins read
Jekyll Quick Start Guide
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I did the whole website in just under 3 hours! Thats crazy! That is from zero understanding of Jekyll to a full featured blog and able to serve and edit so smoothly. Jekyll by far have the smoothest learning curve I have experienced. Besides that I also learnt and setup Disqus(for comments), Disqus

If you are like me don’t have much time!

Leave a like if I can successfully help to set this up for you :D

* Requirements before you continue:

  1. Installed Ruby
  2. Have a Github account
  3. Installed Git

Instructions 🛠

  1. Go to Github and start a new repository. (You can skips the options, “repository” is just a fancy name for “project” 🤪)
  2. Copy the url shown to you. (If you cannot see the url click the green Clone or Download button and copy)
  3. Create a folder where you want to start your project.
  4. Open Terminal any type cd + space then drag that folder into the terminal and hit enter.
  5. Run the code below in the terminal:
gem install jekyll bundler;
curl -O;
cd mundana-theme-jekyll-master;
bundle install;
jeykll build;
git init;
git remote add origin THE_URL_YOU_COPIED_FROM_GITHUB;
git add .;
git commit -m "init";
git push --set-upstream origin master;

* Replace THE_URL_YOU_COPIED_FROM_GITHUB with the url you just copied.
* You might be prompt to enter your GitHub password.

  1. Go back to github and your repository and go to settings. Then scroll down until you see GitHub Pages and click None and select master branch.
  2. You will see a url at the same place (GitHub Pages section in your repository settings), after refresh click onto it and your website is ready!
  3. At this time you will see that its very different from this one. You need to do some coding here to get it done.
  4. Open the _config.yml with any text editing program. (You might not see _config.yml if you didn’t show extension. So you can look for _config)
  5. Change baseurl: '/mundana-theme-jekyll' to baseurl: 'GITHUB_PAGES_URL' replace GITHUB_PAGES_URL with the url to your website GitHub save and try to push again! (push in git terms means putting/publish your changes onto a repository, in our example its on GitHub!)

Everytime you want to update your website you can

jekyll build;
git add .;
git push --set-upstream origin master;

Next we can set up Jekyll Admin

  1. Open Terminal any type cd + space then drag that folder into the terminal and hit enter.
  2. Open up Gemfile and add gem 'jekyll-admin' before end you should end up like this:
source ""

# Hello! This is where you manage which Jekyll version is used to run.
# When you want to use a different version, change it below, save the
# file and run `bundle install`. Run Jekyll with `bundle exec`, like so:
#     bundle exec jekyll serve

# If you have any plugins, put them here!
gem 'wdm', '>= 0.1.0' if Gem.win_platform?
group :jekyll_plugins do
    gem 'jekyll-feed'
    gem 'jekyll-sitemap'
    gem 'jekyll-paginate'
    gem 'jekyll-seo-tag'
    gem 'jekyll-admin'
  1. Run the code below in the terminal:
    bundle install;
    bundle exec jekyll serve --watch;
  2. Go to http://localhost:4000. This is the home page.
  3. Go to http://localhost:4000/admin. This is the admin panel.
  4. You can create new post and refresh to see your post appear in the home page.
  5. The post is written in the markdown format but you are free write HTML if you are familiar with it too!

I hope that complete newbie can also set up a full featured website. If you have any problems feel free to send me a message I will see if I can help you!

If you want to DIY

If you already have a full Ruby development environment with all headers and RubyGems installed (see Jekyll’s requirements), you can create a new Jekyll site by doing the following:

# Install Jekyll and Bundler gems through RubyGems
gem install jekyll bundler

# Create a new Jekyll site at ./myblog
jekyll new myblog

# Change into your new directory
cd myblog

# Build the site on the preview server
bundle exec jekyll serve

# Now browse to http://localhost:4000
Eugene Low
Written by Eugene Low
Hi, I am Eugene!