I did the whole website in just under 3 hours! Thats crazy! That is from zero understanding of Jekyll to a full featured blog and able to serve and edit so smoothly. Jekyll by far have the smoothest learning curve I have experienced. Besides that I also learnt and setup Disqus(for comments), Disqus
If you are like me don’t have much time!
Leave a like if I can successfully help to set this up for you :D
* Requirements before you continue:
Instructions 🛠
- Go to Github and start a new repository. (You can skips the options, “repository” is just a fancy name for “project” 🤪)
- Copy the url shown to you. (If you cannot see the url click the green
Clone or Download
button and copy) - Create a folder where you want to start your project.
- Open Terminal any type
+ space then drag that folder into the terminal and hitenter
. - Run the code below in the terminal:
gem install jekyll bundler;
curl -O https://codeload.github.com/wowthemesnet/mundana-theme-jekyll/zip/master;
unzip mundana-theme-jekyll-master.zip;
cd mundana-theme-jekyll-master;
bundle install;
jeykll build;
git init;
git remote add origin THE_URL_YOU_COPIED_FROM_GITHUB;
git add .;
git commit -m "init";
git push --set-upstream origin master;
with the url you just copied.
* You might be prompt to enter your GitHub password.
- Go back to github and your repository and go to settings. Then scroll down until you see
GitHub Pages
and clickNone
and selectmaster branch
. - You will see a
at the same place (GitHub Pages section in your repository settings), after refresh click onto it and your website is ready! - At this time you will see that its very different from this one. You need to do some coding here to get it done.
- Open the
with any text editing program. (You might not see_config.yml
if you didn’t show extension. So you can look for_config
) - Change
baseurl: '/mundana-theme-jekyll'
tobaseurl: 'GITHUB_PAGES_URL'
with theurl
to your website GitHub save and try to push again! (push
in git terms means putting/publish your changes onto a repository, in our example its on GitHub!)
Everytime you want to update your website you can
jekyll build;
git add .;
git push --set-upstream origin master;
Next we can set up Jekyll Admin
- Open Terminal any type
+ space then drag that folder into the terminal and hitenter
. - Open up
and addgem 'jekyll-admin'
before end you should end up like this:
source "https://rubygems.org"
# Hello! This is where you manage which Jekyll version is used to run.
# When you want to use a different version, change it below, save the
# file and run `bundle install`. Run Jekyll with `bundle exec`, like so:
# bundle exec jekyll serve
# If you have any plugins, put them here!
gem 'wdm', '>= 0.1.0' if Gem.win_platform?
group :jekyll_plugins do
gem 'jekyll-feed'
gem 'jekyll-sitemap'
gem 'jekyll-paginate'
gem 'jekyll-seo-tag'
gem 'jekyll-admin'
- Run the code below in the terminal:
bundle install; bundle exec jekyll serve --watch;
- Go to http://localhost:4000. This is the home page.
- Go to http://localhost:4000/admin. This is the admin panel.
- You can create new post and refresh to see your post appear in the home page.
- The post is written in the markdown format but you are free write HTML if you are familiar with it too!
I hope that complete newbie can also set up a full featured website. If you have any problems feel free to send me a message I will see if I can help you!
If you want to DIY
If you already have a full Ruby development environment with all headers and RubyGems installed (see Jekyll’s requirements), you can create a new Jekyll site by doing the following:
# Install Jekyll and Bundler gems through RubyGems
gem install jekyll bundler
# Create a new Jekyll site at ./myblog
jekyll new myblog
# Change into your new directory
cd myblog
# Build the site on the preview server
bundle exec jekyll serve
# Now browse to http://localhost:4000